Bellevue Invisalign: An insider’s guide

Bellevue Invisalign smile

Why should Schur Orthodontics be your Bellevue Invisalign practice?

Because Schur Orthodontics meets all of prime selection criteria:

  • Invisalign treatment is really just another form of orthodontic treatment, and Dr. Jeffrey Schur is a UW-trained orthodontic specialist who has dedicated his career to the finer points of tooth movement, including bite function and esthetics.
  • Experience: Dr. Schur has vast experience in correcting various bite and esthetic (cosmetic) issues with Invisalign.
  • Results: at Schur Orthodontics we get consistently great results because as an orthodontic practice we have everything at our disposal in order to meet most every challenge that might arise in your treatment. As nice as that would be, Invisalign is simply not an OFF-THE-SHELF-BITE-SOLUTION.
  • Knowledge and skill: every potential Invisalign case goes through the same diagnostic and treatment planning process that even the most complex orthodontic cases receive. This includes analysis of jaw relationships and teeth positional issues that cannot be determined through simple photographs and dental models.

What are the keys to great results in the minimum amount of time:

  • Tooth movement requires consistent force applied in the proper directions, otherwise teeth will see-saw back and forth and the aligners will eventually stop fitting, leading to unsuccessful tooth movement. It has been determined that aligners should be worn 22 hours per day–COMMIT TO THIS!
  • Elastics: quite often orthodontic elastics will be required to move the upper and lower teeth relative to each other. This is often the only way to achieve such movement, so consistent wear as prescribed by your orthodontist is critical.
  • Chewies: these are little foam rolls that help to seat the aligners on  your teeth. By simply chewing on them twice a day, as directed, you can achieve more predictable and consistent tooth movement.
  • Problems: stuff happens–dogs eat aligners, hotel employees can throw them away, you can only imagine. So what to do? Call your Bellevue Invisalign office ASAP for recommendations. You will often be advised to go to the next or previous set of aligners, and replacement aligners can be ordered. Time is critical, as you don’t want to allow unwanted drift of the teeth in treatment.

With the right treatment plan and proper attention on your part, you can be off and running toward fantastic Invisalign results!

Bellevue Invisalign Preferred Provider

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