Humane Society Community Outreach

Food drive Humane Society community

Pet companion community food driveWhat is the Humane Society Community Outreach Program all about?

The Seattle Humane Society collects pet food and supplies from the local community in order to supply low income pet owners, including the elderly and HIV sufferers, with all that they need to care for their pet companions. Pets can be an important part of all of our lives, and this is especially true for the elderly and ill as a pet companion can dramatically improve their quality of life.



Food Drive Humane Society Community 2How is Schur Orthodontics involved in this campaign?

We have conducted a pet food and supply drive in our office and we’ve been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic and generous support of our patients and their families. We’ve received significant donations of dog and cat food, as well as cash donations from folks who don’t own pets and didn’t know what to purchase for the drive. In addition, a few of our neighboring Bellevue dental offices have joined in on the effort, placing donation boxes in their reception rooms. When I delivered the donations to the Bellevue Humane Society, they were in amazed at the volume of food that folks donated! People love to give back, and that’s what makes our community so strong. It is our intention to take part in this worthy cause on an annual basis.


Would you like to contribute?

Our food drive has been completed, but we will certainly do another drive in late 2016. Please keep an eye on this blog and our Facebook page for updates.


Donate to the community pet food drive

Thank you to all who have supported this food drive

It is our hope that the donations play a significant role in keeping the pets healthy so that they can continue to bring joy and comfort to their owners. We recognize that this is an ongoing need, and we look forward to another round in 2016.

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